Τη διοργανώτρια χώρα στον 21ο διαγωνισμό τραγουδιού της Eurovision στη Χάγη, εκπροσώπησε η Sandra Reemer με το τραγούδι "The Party's Over Now", (Το πάρτι τελείωσε) σε μουσική και στίχους του Hans van Hemert. Κατέκτησε την ένατη θέση με 56 βαθμούς. Η συμμετοχή της Ολλανδίας διαγωνίσθηκε από την όγδοη θέση.
09. Sandra Reemer: "The Party's Over Now"
Το τραγούδι της Ολλανδίας κατέκτησε την ένατη θέση με 56 βαθμούς και η χώρες που την τίμησαν με τη ψήφο τους ήταν: Ισραήλ με οκτώ βαθμούς, η Ελλάδα έδωσε επτά βαθμούς στην Ολλανδία και η Πορτογαλία έξι, πέντε βαθμοί η Γιουγκοσλαβία και από τέσσερις βαθμούς έδωσαν η Γερμανία, η Ελβετία, η Αυστρία, το Βέλγιο και το Λουξεμβούργο, τρεις βαθμοί έδωσε η Ισπανία και από δυο βαθμοί η Ιταλία, Ιρλανδία και Μονακό, ένα βαθμό έδωσε η Νορβηγία.
Οι στίχοι του τραγουδιού:
The lights are low
The party's goin' on
And he who's mine
He doesn't seem to miss me
I feel alone
I think that I'll go home
But if I stay, at least I hear him
The party's over now
The party's over now
At least I dream it's over now
He's sittin' next to me
And we do both agree
Our life ain't bad at all
Yes, the party's over now
One of those bad dreams
Suddenly came over me
But now I feel at ease
The lights go out
The party's goin' on
And he who's mine
Seems really to enjoy it
I hear him whisper sweet words
But not to me
I wonder, am I really dreamin'?
The party's over now
The party's over now
At least I dream it's over now
He's sittin' next to me
And we do both agree
Our life ain't bad at all
Yes, the party's over now
One of those bad dreams
Suddenly came over me
But now I feel at ease
Yes, the party's over now
One of those bad dreams
Suddenly came over me
But now I feel at ease
The lights are low
The party's goin' on
And he who's mine
He doesn't seem to miss me
I feel alone
I think that I'll go home
But if I stay, at least I hear him
The party's over now
The party's over now
At least I dream it's over now
He's sittin' next to me
And we do both agree
Our life ain't bad at all
Yes, the party's over now
One of those bad dreams
Suddenly came over me
But now I feel at ease
The lights go out
The party's goin' on
And he who's mine
Seems really to enjoy it
I hear him whisper sweet words
But not to me
I wonder, am I really dreamin'?
The party's over now
The party's over now
At least I dream it's over now
He's sittin' next to me
And we do both agree
Our life ain't bad at all
Yes, the party's over now
One of those bad dreams
Suddenly came over me
But now I feel at ease
Yes, the party's over now
One of those bad dreams
Suddenly came over me
But now I feel at ease
Το βίντεο του τραγουδιού: