Στον δέκατο τρίτο διαγωνισμό τραγουδιού της Eurovision που φιλοξενήθηκε στο Λονδίνο, την Ιρλανδία εκπροσώπησε ο Pat McGeegan, με το τραγούδι, "Change Of A Lifetime" σε μουσική και στίχους του John Kennedy και με διευθυντή ορχήστρας τον Noel Kelehan. Διαγωνίσθηκε από την δέκατη τέταρτη θέση και τερμάτισε στην τέταρτη με 18 βαθμούς.
Η συμμετοχή της Ιρλανδίας τερμάτισε στη τέταρτη θέση με 18 βαθμούς που έλαβε από Γιουγκοσλαβία (6), Σουηδία (4), Αυστρία (4), Πορτογαλία (1), Ολλανδία (1), Λουξεμβούργο (1) και Βέλγιο (1).
Οι στίχοι του τραγουδιού:
One day, while I was out walking
I saw your face in the midst of a crowd
Here, I thought, is the chance of a lifetime
I thought you'd stepped from a cloud
Think of that wonderful meeting
Oh, the sun shone down on us from above
Why should I be out walking that day and get
The chance of a lifetime of love?
Show me the way you are feeling
Always tell me just what I should know
Oh, a guiding hand must have brought us together
But now that seems so long ago
You are the one I have dreamt of
Oh, I never thought my dreams would come true
All I want is the chance of a lifetime
The chance of a lifetime with you
Show me the way you are feeling
Always tell me just what I should know
Oh, a guiding hand must have brought us together
But now that seems so long ago
You are the one I have dreamt of
I never thought my dreams would come true
All I want is the chance of a lifetime
The chance of a lifetime with you
All I want is the chance of a lifetime
The chance of a lifetime with you
Το βίντεο του τραγουδιού:
ESC 1968: 04. Pat McGeegan: "Change Of A Lifetime"
Η συμμετοχή της Ιρλανδίας τερμάτισε στη τέταρτη θέση με 18 βαθμούς που έλαβε από Γιουγκοσλαβία (6), Σουηδία (4), Αυστρία (4), Πορτογαλία (1), Ολλανδία (1), Λουξεμβούργο (1) και Βέλγιο (1).
Οι στίχοι του τραγουδιού:
One day, while I was out walking
I saw your face in the midst of a crowd
Here, I thought, is the chance of a lifetime
I thought you'd stepped from a cloud
Think of that wonderful meeting
Oh, the sun shone down on us from above
Why should I be out walking that day and get
The chance of a lifetime of love?
Show me the way you are feeling
Always tell me just what I should know
Oh, a guiding hand must have brought us together
But now that seems so long ago
You are the one I have dreamt of
Oh, I never thought my dreams would come true
All I want is the chance of a lifetime
The chance of a lifetime with you
Show me the way you are feeling
Always tell me just what I should know
Oh, a guiding hand must have brought us together
But now that seems so long ago
You are the one I have dreamt of
I never thought my dreams would come true
All I want is the chance of a lifetime
The chance of a lifetime with you
All I want is the chance of a lifetime
The chance of a lifetime with you
Το βίντεο του τραγουδιού: